Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My First Passover!

Well, I survived my first and second Seder.
I went Monday night and Tuesday night.
Monday we read from a very traditional book and took turns
going around the table.
Although the book was read right to left and was in Hebrew,
there was an English version underneath.
Of course when it got to me the first time around my reading was
filled with cities and names- which means mine was
pretty much still Hebrew.
Oh typical Sarah fashion, I destroyed it.
(It could have been worse- like my first Catholic
service. I'll save that story for another date.)
It did take a few minutes for my face to return to its normal
hue, but I survived. Tuesday night was pretty much a children's version
and I'd say my readings went much smoother.

Don't worry, that isn't what we ate, just the symbolism plate.

1 comment:

  1. i liked matt's shout out! you got on the dog scale??? Bahahahahha, that's hilarious!
