Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Improve The Relationship With The Woman in Your Life

Attention, gentlemen. Want to improve your relationship? Here are four steps from psychologists that’ll instantly improve your relationship with the woman in your life.

•First: Listen to her.It’s the number one complaint women have about their partners. When women talk, they experience a hit of the feel-good hormone dopamine, but men don’t get that same high. Instead, men think when a woman is talking to him, it’s to relay information. However, women aren’t that cut and dried. Women talk to bond, vent and de-stress, but a man’s natural tendency is to “fix” the problem. That’s why most guys dread hearing the words: “We need to talk.” In a man’s mind, talking doesn’t fix things – actions do! So guys, take it down a notch and listen first, instead of jumping to a solution.
•Another relationship tip: Don’t use the word “help.” You might see her cleaning up after dinner and say “Do you need help?” She probably does but will most likely answer, “no.” Instead – just start helping. Or ask, “What can I do?” When you phrase it that way, women are more likely to come up with a specific way you can help.
•The final way to improve your relationship: Stop spending every night watching TV. Sitting in front of the boob tube blocks communication. Purdue University researchers found that people who chatted while the TV was on looked at their spouse 36% less often than when it was turned off. Even if the TV is on in the background, people are more distracted. However, couples who turned off the TV created more opportunities for conversation, were more focused on their partner, and had more satisfying relationships.

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